Our priority is your child’s dance education and safety. In order to achieve a successful experience for your child, we need our families and dancers to cooperate, support, respect, trust and honor Take Five Dance Academy’s Staff and Faculty and their decisions related to the policies of the studio, our classes, and our curriculum.
1. MEMBERSHIP & AGREEMENT TO SCHOOL’S POLICIES: Membership is $45.00 per year, per student, and is charged automatically at the time of registration and renewed automatically on April 17, 2025 for the following July 2025 - June 2026 season. There are no refunds or credit transfers after membership has been paid. NO EXCEPTIONS. By registering for classes at Take Five Dance Academy, you acknowledge, accept, and will abide by all of the school’s policies. Policies are subject to change without notice.
2. AGE REQUIREMENTS: All students must be the appropriate age level by September 1st of the current year, just like the academic school systems.
3. AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS REQUIRED AND TUITION PROCEDURES: Autopay is an automatic deduction from your checking account or credit card and is required for all monthly tuition payments. You must provide a card (Visa or MasterCard only) to save on file that will be used for autopay. Full tuition will be automatically deducted on the 3rd of each month regardless of attendance. There are no refunds or credit transfers after tuition has been paid. NO EXCEPTIONS.
4. OUTSTANDING TUITION: If your tuition is unable to be processed on the 3rd of the month, you will receive a statement via email. If tuition is still unpaid by the 7th of the month, you will receive a text and another notice via email. If tuition is still outstanding by the 10th of the month, we will automatically process your payment again with a $20.00 late fee. If the outstanding tuition is not paid by the 15th of the month, the student will be withdrawn from the school. Student may re-enroll after all balances are paid on the account depending on the availability of classes.
5. STUDENT DROP OFF & PICK UP: Take Five Dance Academy Staff and/or Faculty are not responsible for students who have been left unattended at our facility. All parents/guardians are responsible for making sure that their child (regardless of age) safely enters our school and is brought to their class. Students are NOT allowed to be dropped off at the curbside with the assumption that the Take Five Dance Academy Staff and/or Faculty is present. Students need to be dropped off no earlier than 15 minutes before their class. Parents/Guardians need to be at the school within 15 minutes of their child’s dismal from class. If the parent/guardian is running late, they will need to make a courtesy call to the Office to inform the instructor and student.
6. SCHOOL CONDUCT: Please respect our school, faculty, dancers, and families by not leaving your children unattended. Do not sit or lay on the play area walls. Do not stand or play on benches, chairs, or study area tables. There is no running, tumbling or horse playing allowed outside or in the lobby, hallways and bathrooms. This will ensure the safety of your children and that classes will not be disrupted.
7. DRESS CODE ENFORCED: Make sure your dancer is wearing the proper dance attire for each of their classes. No street shoes are allowed on the dance floors. It is important that the dress code is enforced. This will enable your dancer to execute and correctly learn steps while ensuring their safety. If a student continuously disregards the dress code, they will be unable to participate in class. If this situation occurs, tuition will not be adjusted in any way.
8. ATTENDANCE: Attending classes on a regular basis is important in any learning experience. The consistency and repetition of training is necessary for the proper technique to be learned. Arrive early to the school. There is no admittance to any class if a student is more than 15 minutes late. Tuition charges will continue to incur, regardless of attendance. No exceptions. If a student misses more than two of the final classes before any dance shows, competitions, and other performances, they may be dismissed from performing, at the discretion of the teacher. If a student is absent for a full calendar month, they will be withdrawn from the school. Student(s) may re-enroll if classes are still available.
9. CLASS SHORTENED / RESCHEDULED: If two or less students attend a class, the class will be shortened to 30 minutes. Take Five Dance Academy reserves the right to reschedule or combine classes.
10. MAKE-UP CLASSES: Make-up classes are a courtesy for registered students only. Enrolled students have until the end of May (of the dance season) to make-up classes. Our teachers highly recommend that dancers take advantage of make-up classes in order to help them maintain their dance training. If a student misses a class and the monthly tuition has been paid, the dancer is able to do one make-up class for each class missed. Making classes up is your responsibility. If parent elects not to make-up missed classes, it will not be credited to any tuition. There are no tuition transfers, refunds, or credits.
11. EXCLUSIVE EDUCATION: By enrolling, you understand that Take Five Dance Academy will be the exclusive provider of dance and acrobatics education for your child(ren). Take Five Dance Academy’s Director must approve any alternative training. K-12 schools and churches are excluded. Failure to comply will result in student(s) being withdrawn from Take Five Dance Academy.
12. DECEMBER HOLIDAY SHOW AND JUNE DANCE RECITAL: All students (excluding Toddler Time/Wiggle Ones students) have the opportunity to perform on stage in our December holiday show and in our end of the year dance recital that is held in June. Both dance shows are optional and will require additional fees and rehearsals. Information packets will be available online that will include costume prices, show dates, and other important details. There will be mandatory parent meetings (held during regular class day and times) to further discuss the details of our dance shows. See ATTENDANCE policy regarding student’s participation in dance shows. Full tuition is paid every month regardless of dance show activities that may take place during class time. (i.e. Holiday Show Dress Rehearsals, Holiday Shows, Recital Picture Week, Parent Meetings, June Recital Dress Rehearsals and June Performances). Account balances must be current in order to participate in the dance performances.
13. COMMUNICATION: At Take Five Dance Academy, we go to great lengths to keep you informed and up to date. We use the following methods: Email, Texts, Handouts, Facebook, Instagram, Newsletters, Lobby Bulletin Boards, Classroom Posters, TV monitors and our Office has morning and evening operating hours to assist our families. It is your responsibility to know the happenings associated with your child’s dance education.
14. STAFF: There may be unforeseen circumstances where staff is subject to change without notice. Take Five Dance Academy reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regular teacher is ill or unable to teach.
15. DIGITAL MEDIA: Take Five Dance Academy will take pictures/videos in classes, around the studio, at special events, during rehearsals and dance productions. Our pictures/videos will be copyrighted by Take Five Dance Academy. Any personal digital media and/or pictures/videos that we are tagged in could be used for our social media, website, advertisements, and other promotional materials created by Take Five Dance Academy.
16. PERSONAL PICTURES & VIDEO RECORDING OF CLASSES: Out of respect and for the safety of our students, families, instructors and our school, parents/guardians need to have the teacher’s consent to take personal pictures and video recording of classes.
17. ALLERGY WARNING - NO FOODS OR PETS ALLOWED: Due to different allergies and for the general maintenance of our school, food and pets are NOT allowed in our school.
18. ACCIDENT OR INJURY: Any and all parents/guardians who register their child(ren) at Take Five Dance Academy waive and release Take Five Dance Academy and their directors, employees, staff, volunteers, representatives, or assigns, as well as any activity sponsors, from any and all liability, including any claim for damaging or suit by reason of injury, illness, virus or damage to person or property during the course of dance classes, rehearsals, in-studio activities, and any events off property.
19. WITHDRAWING A STUDENT: Should it become necessary to discontinue classes for any reason, a withdrawal form must be signed and submitted to Take Five Dance Academy by the 15th day of the prior month that your child(ren) will no longer be taking classes. This will prevent you from being billed the monthly tuition and yearly membership.
20. PUBLIC HEALTH & WELL BEING: Take Five Dance Academy requires all staff and students to stay home when they are ill. We will follow the best practices and recommendations from local and federal health departments. Take Five Dance Academy focuses on a hierarchy of measures beginning with keeping ill people at home, followed by frequent hand cleaning/hand sanitizing, good hygiene practices, and amplified cleaning. In the event a class is unable to be held at the studio, classes will convert to an online learning platform until in-studio classes can resume. We are unable to provide refunds or credits for any classes, lessons, workshops, camps, master classes or performances that are canceled, moved to a virtual platform, or are unable to proceed as the result of local, state and federal government orders regarding natural disasters or public health.