All dancers must be 3 yrs.-old by
September 1, 2024.
Students must be potty trained and out of diapers/pull ups.
Ballet and Acrobatics
Class capacity: 11
This 55 minute class is designed to be a fun class that nurtures the creative spirit.
Dancers will be taught beginning Ballet steps, terminology and learn gross motor skills. Dancers will work on strength, flexibility, coordination and balancing skills.
Classes may consist of 3 & 4 year-olds depending on students’ birthdates.
December Show:
Costume Approx. $55.00, 1 performance
June Recital:
Costume Approx. $85.00, 1 performance
Both dance shows are optional and will require additional fees and rehearsals.
Monday 4:15pm, Jazmin*
Tuesday 9:30am, Amanda
Tuesday 5:15pm, Amanda
Wednesday 10:30am, Nicole
Wednesday 3:15pm, Nicole
Friday 5:30pm, Courtney
Saturday 9:00am, Amanda
Saturday 11:00am, Jazmin*
* Bilingual/Spanish Speaking
Any color & style leotard
Hair securely off the face and neck,
low ponytails. No buns, high ponytails
or large, hair accessories.
Boys: T-shirt with shorts
or athletic pants
Pink Ballet shoes: Bloch brand
Pink or Skin Tone, Footed tights
Skin Tone, stirrup tights (will be used for shows)
Boys: Barefoot or Black Ballet shoes, no tights